Computer Science
Computer science is all about problem solving; writing code is a lot like working out a puzzle. It’s a discipline that changes the way you think. It can turn everything you do into a step-by-step challenge. For instance, if you get up late in the morning, you probably ask yourself (even if you’re too sleepy to be aware of the steps): “How can I prioritize my time most efficiently? What is the most important thing I have to do? What will take longest? What can I eliminate to save time?” You’ll find that the methodical thinking programming asks of you has an impact in many parts of your life, far beyond just your computer science homework.
The work of computer science is woven into pretty much every field in the “real world” today—medicine, finance, education, artmaking, public relations, museum work, business, architecture—the list goes on and on. In Boston we are extremely lucky to live in one of the great technology hubs of the nation. If you’re an enthusiastic computer science student, you’ll have matchless opportunities to land projects with innovative companies. Often these can turn into well-paying summer jobs or can evolve into long-lasting internships.
Students who endeavor to study computer science at Commonwealth will find themselves not only able to apply it in the "real world," but to explore its philosophical implications. What is computation? What can and cannot be computed? We aim to provide students with the training to find both beauty and elegance in this discipline.
I find the approaches and habits that go with the constraints of different languages to be a fascinating part of the thought behind programming, and I think it’s beautiful to people who get along well with the mathematical and the logical."