Graduation Requirements

By the time you graduate from Commonwealth, you will feel amply prepared for whatever comes next. The standard course load is five academic credits and one or two half-credit art courses per year. All classes run for the entire year. You must take a minimum of four academic credits and one half-credit art course each year to remain in good standing. Our minimum graduation requirement is eighteen credits.
Because new students come to Commonwealth from many different types of schools, their training and levels of preparation for our courses vary. We use placement tests and conversations with the Assistant Head of School and teachers to develop a first-year schedule suited specifically to your needs and interests. In subsequent years, your advisor (in consultation with the faculty) will help you shape your course load.


Please do not hesitate to reach out. Our faculty and administrative team would be happy to help.

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I'm forever grateful for the rigor of Commonwealth's academic curriculum, for the passion my teachers taught with, and for the school's excellent leadership that allowed us to foster and explore our interests.Amanda Dai ’15