The Power of a Vision Campaign

“...because we know that now, more than ever, the world needs this school.”

Campaign Co-Chairs José Alvarez P’10, ’12, ’18 and Suzanne McGilvray P’10, ’12, ’18 imparted these simple, powerful words when we launched The Power of a Vision: a Campaign for Commonwealth in the fall of 2018. Named in tribute to Charles Merrill’s founding hopes and dreams for Commonwealth, The Power of a Vision is the largest and most ambitious campaign in the school’s history. And just as our teachers and students go above and beyond in the classroom every day, the Commonwealth community came together to not only reach but exceed the campaign goal. 

We set out with a goal of $12.5 million. You—alumni/ae, parents, grandparents, students, faculty, staff, and friends—donated $13.45 million. 



This campaign supports three essential components of the Commonwealth experience...


The Power of Place

Significant renovations to our beloved Back Bay brownstones, including the addition of an elevator, make the school fully accessible to all. (In fact, following final inspection in the summer of 2016, Charles Merrill was the first passenger on the elevator’s maiden voyage to the fifth floor.)


The Power of a Teacher

Behind our university-caliber classes are university-caliber faculty. Funds raised for The Power of a Teacher enable Commonwealth to attract and retain our incredible faculty and to provide professional development grants through the Hughes/Wharton Fund for Teachers.

power-opportunity-students-standing-intersection-of-Education-Court-and Education-Place-in-Boston

The Power of Opportunity

Expanded in the fall of 2020 to include dedicated funding for Commonwealth’s work in diversity, equity, and inclusion, gifts designated to The Power of Opportunity create access through financial aid, travel scholarships, and student support.


Thank You for Celebrating With Us!

Thank you to everyone who joined us on April 20, 2024, for an afternoon of celebration and learning as we concluded The Power of a Vision campaign. Alums from the early sixties to 2023, parents, grandparents, faculty, and friends all became Commonwealth students for the day. Watch opening remarks here or peruse the photo album to step (back) into this day of joyous learning and community.
