Project Week and Senior Project Information for Current Families
Every student, every year, takes on a project of their own design. You can learn more about these exceptional hands-on learning opportunities below and on our Projects page.
The Purpose of Projects
Project Week is a chance for students to put on hold the rigors of their daily lives at Commonwealth and replace them with new sorts of challenges that they choose for themselves. The week is valuable for the pleasures and discoveries of the project itself, for learning how to develop an interest into a plan, and for meeting the demands of phoning, writing, and collaborating with new people, particularly experts. Most students emerge from their project experiences with a real sense of accomplishment, and many with a new appreciation for a field that can affect future course choices, college decisions, and even careers.
Students in grades 9, 10, and 11 must complete a project lasting at least one week, typically during Project Week in January. Students participating in a two-week project may do so during spring vacation in March and can then use the January break for other activities.
Students in grade 12 must complete a project lasting at least two weeks. Seniors have one week off from classes followed by the two-week spring vacation in March to devote to a more ambitious undertaking. The expectation is that more experienced students will take on challenging work in new settings such as a congressional office or the production of a major piece of work, which in many years includes a student-directed play. We encourage seniors to consider using the full three weeks to dedicate to their project, though they may do a two-week project and take one week of vacation.
Goals for Experience and Outcomes
Students will likely spend some of their project shadowing and/or observing a professional, ideally in person. Students are encouraged to explore opportunities where they will not only observe but actively participate. The most rewarding projects allow the students to play a functional role and produce concrete results. Students are asked to attempt something new each year, although they can explore different aspects of a given industry.
Parents can help by encouraging students to:
- Reflect on what they are curious about and enjoy
- Try new things (No student should do the same project year after year.)
- Be realistic about preparedness and aptitude for the undertaking
- Take seriously the process of planning
- Reach out to family friends and contacts (Mentors who have personal connections to the students are likely to take active roles in ensuring the project is a success.)
Age Requirements and Confidentiality
Some industries have few opportunities for students due to privacy issues (HIPAA laws in particular are strict) or minimum age requirements (e.g., many labs, hospitals, and veterinary clinics have a minimum age requirement of eighteen or older). Please keep these in mind when discussing opportunities with your child.
Project Proposals are due in mid-December for grades 9–11 and early January for grade 12; see sidebar for exact dates. Thank you in advance for helping your children to think carefully about this opportunity and to take responsibility for the practical aspects of setting things up.
2023 Project Week Information Session Presentation
Grade 9, 10, 11: Project Week
- Project Proposal Deadline for 9s, 10s, and 11s: December 13, 2024
- Project Week (no classes): January 27–31, 2025
Grade 12: Senior Projects
- Project Proposal Deadline for 12s: February 3, 2025
- Senior Projects (no classes): March 3–21, 2025
For more information, consult the following documents:
- Student Projects: Information for Prospective Mentors
- Project Report Example #1
- Project Report Example #2
- Project Report Example #3
- Project Report Example #4
If you have questions about Projects not answered here, or you are interested in serving as a Project Mentor, please contact Anna Moss, Projects Coordinator, at