Study and Travel Abroad

Whether you're in Perú, France, Spain, Italy, or China, as a Commonwealth student, you can step into another person's shoes a half a world away.
Learning a foreign language at Commonwealth often includes the chance to experience another culture through one of our exchanges and trips. While not every trip happens every year, the aim is give all language students the opportunity to travel at least once during their years at Commonwealth. For Spanish students participating in our exchange program, we encourage participants to experience it from both sides. Those who live with host families find their stays to be demanding and rewarding, prompting one student to report with awe that “I could speak and people actually understood.”
All students can avail themselves of these study abroad opportunities, regardless of their ability to pay; the Mary P. Chatfield Cultural Scholarship underwrites travel for Project Week, Senior Projects, summer projects, and cultural and exchange trips. 

Traveling to Paris helped me bond with peers while learning the idiosyncrasies of French language and culture. I couldn't have learned what I learned if I hadn't traveled in person. Most notably, my accent and idiomatic vocabulary improved dramatically....All in all the experience was unmatchable. Penny '23

Trips and Exchanges
